• 5500 Merrick Road, Massapequa, New York 11758
  • 111 Grand Avenue, Massapequa, New York 11758
May 14, 2014

May is National Older Americans Month

May is National Older Americans Month In addition to being National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, May is also National Older Americans Month. Over the next few weeks, our nation will be acknowledging and celebrating its older citizens who have greatly contributed to the progress and construct of our current society. In addition to displaying due reverence, we should also make an effort to increase awareness and consideration for the health and safety of our older Americans. Our health issues and concerns change over time, and this month’s focus encourages us to consider preventative measures against ailments whose likelihoods increase […]
May 7, 2014
Physical Therapy in Massapequa

Battling Blood Pressure in Upcoming Months

Battling Blood Pressure in Upcoming Months Blood pressure is a concern among many, and the surest way to address high levels is to monitor and alter our dietary habits. Increased activity and a lower weight are advantageous, too, and the upcoming months of warm weather will make it easier to get outside and remain active. Yet as we do increase our activity levels, we also increase how frequently we reach for drinks and snacks to refuel our bodies. Gatherings with friends and families are sure to entail delectable, celebratory foods, so keeping our diets in check will prove harder during […]
April 30, 2014
Physical Therapy in Massapequa

Proper Pitching Mechanics Prevent Injury

Proper Pitching Mechanics Prevent Injury Pitching is a strenuous activity that, when done incorrectly, can lead to serious arm problems. It is crucial to teach pitchers proper mechanics from a young age in order to reduce stress on the pitchers’ arms and reduce the chances for injury. The growing trend among youth baseball organizations to promote throwing year round further demonstrates the importance of proper mechanics. All of the extra throwing that pitchers these days are doing is adding to the stress put on their shoulders and elbows and increasing their chances of injury. A report conducted by Major League […]
April 22, 2014
Physical Therapy in Massapequa

Swinging Safely: A Consideration for Golfers

Swinging Safely: A Consideration for Golfers A golfer’s form is a serious matter, as improper swing technique can lead to serious injuries and pains in the shoulder, back, and neck regions. In fact, swing mechanics are so important and delicate that most amateur golfers who have not received proper training experience some discomfort that stems from their swinging. This can be dangerous, and mild discomfort can develop into a more serious issue if the habit is not corrected. Improper swinging usually occurs as a result of inadequate strength or flexibility. Since the golfer’s goal is often to achieve maximum distance, […]
April 15, 2014
Physical Therapy in Massapequa

Chronic Neck and Back Pain

Chronic Neck and Back Pain Maybe you’ve felt that twinge or pull on the side of your neck that prevents you from turning your head fully left or right, or perhaps you’ve felt the sharp stab in your back that leaves you confused since you were only sitting down. These episodes of pain often go away on their own after time, but breaking a few bad habits can help lessen the frequency of neck and back pain. Spend less time at your computer. We all get sucked in by what we do at the computer, only to realize when we […]
April 1, 2014
Physical Therapy in Massapequa

TMJ Syndrome

TMJ Syndrome Many people, more women than men, have TMJ or temporomandibular syndrome. Most of the symptoms disappear in two weeks because your jaw joint rests and recovers when you are unable to chew. But during its duration TMJ can be extremely uncomfortable and has various symptoms that can cause inconvenience to everyday life. Here are some characteristics of TMJ syndrome that can help you identify it. Causes: Trauma Disease Wear and tear from aging Habits such as teeth grinding or clenching Rheumatoid Arthritis Osteoarthritis Symptoms: Pain in the facial muscles and jaw joints may radiate to the neck or […]
March 25, 2014
track race

Track and Field Injuries

Track and Field Injuries At Park Physical Therapy in Massapequa, we understand spring-time sports are in full swing. Many athletes will be spending long hours in practices, and it is important to remember the potential injuries that come with extensive training. Track and field sports require repetition of powerful explosive movements to refine athletic techniques. As athletes push to perfect these skills, they need to be aware of their vulnerability to injury. Here are some common causes for track and field injuries: Often injuries can be attributed to the surface being trained on, the load of the training, inadequate footwear, and […]
March 21, 2014

March Madness Means More Sprained Ankles

March Madness Means More Sprained Ankles In the midst of basketball season, competitive and recreational teams are spending more time on the court and on their feet. With increased game time comes increased chances of injuries commonly associated with basketball. Most prominently, ankle sprains that result from improper landing will be slowing down players and interfering with their abilities to perform. Basketball players should take extra precaution during the season to stretch and strengthen in order to prevent injury. First and foremost, proper equipment is the easiest measure to take against injury. High-top footwear will offer a level of ankle […]
March 13, 2014

The Risks of Weekend Workouts

The Risks of Weekend Workouts As most of us are preoccupied during the week with our jobs, families, and other obligatory engagements, we tend to write exercise out of our 5-day schedule. We might try to compensate on the weekends, however, by hitting the gym longer and pushing ourselves harder. Though this physical activity greatly contributes to our bodies’ health, there are also some risks inherent to weekend workouts. Since we’re not training our bodies consistently during the week, our muscles can be under-conditioned for the level of exertion we intend for the weekend. If our body is not properly […]